The Truth About COVID-19


The Truth About COVID-19COVID-19 is said to have killed over a million Americans, far more than were killed in World War I (116,516), World War II (405,399), Korean War (36,516), Vietnam War (58,220), and the wars in Iraq (4,786) and Afghanistan (2,325) combined. USA's reported COVID-19 death rate of 3,318 per million is 104 times higher than the 32 per million in Burundi, a dirt poor country whose GDP per capita of $265 is only 4% of America's $69,726.

It is now coming to light that most of the COVID-19 deaths were preventable. Many of them were due not to COVID-19 but to highly toxic new drugs that were given to COVID-19 patients, as well as hospital practices that knowingly withheld a safe and effective drug for COVID-19.

Most troublingly, SARS-CoV-2 has been exposed as a genetically-engineered virus that was used to scare the world's population into being injected with a synthetic genetic material that turned the human body into a factory for producing trillions of copies of an extremely toxic, synthetic protein. Excess deaths have already risen to unprecedented levels and continue to rise.

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